Saturday, 28 October 2017

Young Legionaries, hard at work or hardly working?...

Howdy, Greetings and Salutations....but most of all a hearty Ave Maria! from the Wexford Praesidium of Legion of Mary on this fine Saturday 9th September. Your local legionaries (not to be confused with legionnaire's disease, we don't have that, please God we don't anyway) have been busy at work preparing for our youthful event for youthful people.

Now, it's the moment we have all been waiting for.... our long awaited "short promotional film" is finally ready to be released into the world! If you don't know anything about the event that is taking place, please take a look at our *Brand* *New* *Promotional* *Video* to find out a little more. Go ahead, it's only 60 seconds long, we'll still be here waiting for you when you are finished watching it :-)

Now! Did you enjoy that? Please go ahead and share it on your "social media" if you wish. What an age we live in! Gee Whizzikers Batman!

Here's a little more information about our event.
This is Catholic event, taking place in Ballyvaloo retreat centre, Blackwater, beautiful Co. Wexford by the beach, on the 28th October. This event is for *any* and *all* young people who like us, are intrigued by the concept of “letting light shine out of darkness”, which of course is our theme. It's taken from 2Corinthians in the good book. Quite thought provoking don't you think? We all go through periods of darkness, that's a universal fact of being human, right?

Are you a kinda-sorta Catholic or a Christian who is confused or unconvinced or unimpressed by the legalities of the Church? Come anyway. In fact we especially want you to come. Everyone has something to offer and we can learn from each other. I can certainly say for myself - the writer - that am often extremely confused and I make so many mistakes and don't know right from wrong, and I don't just mean typos on this blog. Seriously!

What we do believe here is that we don't have to be bound by the darkness or the confusion that we all can find ourselves in. We don't have to carry our mistakes like a millstone around the neck. Jesus Christ is our LIGHT! and Mary, his mother is our mother too, and she will take us by the hand and guide us to him; if we choose to hold on tight to our Mama. Have I got your interest? Need to find out more? Then come to our event! There's going to be prayer, there's going to be fun, there's going to be fellowship.... (and we hope that you, dear reader, will be there too).

Here are some photos of the gang putting all the preparations in place for the feast that is ahead (that is, our ultra special wonderful fantastic interesting and did I mention oh-so-humble little event).

There will very soon, please God, be new blog update on our progress. We are flat out sourcing amazing speakers, we are really into music here and have some incredible tunes we are practicing up as a part of our music ministry. In the last fortnight we have been suuuuuper busy making our promotional short film. I can reveal that the next blog entry will focus on the making of this film; hands up who wants to see a picture of Fr. Agnellus sporting a boom pole?

So if you want to read more come back next week and read about our progress, Same bat-day! Same bat-time! Same bat-blog! … or for those of you who are not fans of the original cheesy 1960's Batman with Adam West, come back next week and read a bit more about our adventures here at the Legion of Mary.

Carla Maria

Monday, 11 September 2017

Farewell to Father Ciprian.

The Legion of Mary -  Mater Dei, Wexford - had learnt the departure from Wexford of Father Ciprian Budau, OFM. Since 2011, Father Ciprian was the guardian of Saint Francis Friary in Wexford. During those 6 years, under his guardianship, the friary provided spiritual needs for the population of Wexford such as daily masses or confession. Many legionaries attend mass at the friary and some of them are members of the Third Order of Saint Francis. 

On many occasions, Father Ciprian had demonstrated his friendship for the Legion and he never said no to our requests....We are happy to know that Father Ciprian had became the Superior of the Order of the Friars Minors Conventual of Great Britain & Ireland, the "Greyfriars". We congratulate him for this "promotion" and we assure him of our prayers. May God help him in his new mission, under the holy guidance of Saint Francis, Saint Clare & Mary Immaculate. 

Friday, 7 July 2017

Radio Interview

Few months ago, three members of the Legion of Mary - Mater Dei Praesidium were interviewed on South East Radio by Christian Media Trust.

You can hear this interview below....


Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Consecration to our Lady course

Father Agnellus Murphy, spiritual counsellor of the Mater Dei Praesidium, organize a course in Wexford town on the Consecration to our Lady according to Saint Louis Marie Grignion de Monfort.

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Rare historical film by Paul Lawrence, a WWII U.S. Army combat cameraman, of the Story of Our Lady of Fatima and of devotion to Our Lady of Fatima in the 1950s. It features original video of the visionaries, their families, the village and the original Sanctuary of Fatima, and a brief re-enactment of the 1917 events.

Friday, 24 March 2017

Allocutio 20 March 2017

Allocutio from Father Agnellus Murphy, 20 March 2017

Allocutio 13 March 2017

Allocutio from Father Agnellus Murphy - 13 March 2017

Allocutio 6 March 2017

Allocutio given by Father Agnellus Murphy the 6 of March 2017

Allocutio 27 of February 2017

An "Allocutio" ( from Latin allocutio(n- ), from alloqui ‘speak to’, from ad- ‘to’ + loqui ‘speak’) is a form of homily or meditation, usually written by the Spiritual Director of the praesidium, concerning a subject of spiritual interest. 

Every week, we will publish weekly allocution written by Father Agnellus Murphy.

Monday, 20 March 2017


"The purpose of the Acies is to renew and deepen our Consecration to Mary at least once a year. That consecration is at the heart of our vocation in the Legion. The project of the true devotion to Mary is never done once and for all but we must keep going back to the basic principles and try to live them better throughout our lives. What does it mean? It means belonging totally to Mary. Absolutely nothing must be held back. I am all yours: every thing I am or possess, spiritual and material goods, past, present and to come. I will to give every moment of my life to Mary. Why? Let us answer in the words of St. Louis Marie de Montfort: 'the essence of the devotion consists in giving ourselves up entirely to the Most Holy Virgin in the quality of slave in order to belong wholly to Jesus Christ; and in the next place to do all our actions with Mary, in Mary, by Mary, for Mary in order to do them more perfectly with Jesus, in Jesus, by Jesus, and for the Jesus our last end.' The shorthand of all the work of De Montfort and our Founder is to Jesus through Mary"

The Acies for the Ferns Curia was held on Sunday 19 March 2017, feast of Saint Joseph, in the Saint Francis friary in Wexford town. Nearly 60 legionaries attended.

Tea (lots !), biscuits, homemade cakes and fresh sandwiches provided by Wild & Native restaurant in Rosslare, were offered at the end of the ceremony. Every Wexford legionaries were involved in the service.

The Mater Dei Praesidium wish to thank the Grey Franciscans and everyone involved, for the Glory of God, through Mary, our Queen.

Saturday, 18 March 2017

Visit of Our Lady of Fatima statue.

On Tuesday the 14th of March, County Wexford was blessed and privileged to host and welcome the visit of the International Centennial Pilgrim Statue of our Lady of Fatima.

The statue, blessed by Pope Francis, is visiting several countries around the world, including Russia.

After mass in Saint Senan, Enniscorthy, a procession was held in the narrow streets of the town to reach Saint Aidan's cathedral; From there, the statue was venerated by pilgrims and faithful during the day.

The Legion was present during this event, and legionaries distributed leaflets regarding the 5 first saturdays devotion and lead rosaries during the day in the cathedral.

2017 been the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of our Lady of Fatima, the Legion will organise different events during this year in regards to this marvellous celebration.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.

Friday, 17 March 2017

South East Radio Interview

An interview featuring three members of the Legion of Mary from Wexford by Christian Media Trust will be broadcast on South East Radio on Tuesday 16th of May @ 8pm.

Happy Saint Patrick's Day

May the Holy Patron of Ireland help us to preserve faith in the island of Saints and Scholars.